In recent days, several planets have changed “direction” in our skies but thankfully the world seems to be still here in this reality, Astro Chart 3-7-14though in parts it is unstable at best.  The planets to which I’m referring are Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the asteroid Vesta and last week, Mercury.   What does all of this mean to us?

Each planet has its own initiation and in combination with others a greater initiation.  However, there is a larger landscape at work in which the above mentioned planets are traveling.  In astrology and in Shamanic Astrology, it is the longer-term and slower moving outer planets that set the stage for the faster-moving role-players that dance on that stage.  In this case, the stage is set by the Uranus-Pluto square that has been going on since 2012 (but really beginning to form since 2011).

The Uranus-Pluto square has brought opportunities for numerous world changes to be enacted, especially in the Arab Spring in North Africa and Asia Minor/Middle-East, major shifts and revolutions in Southeast Asia and parts of Europe and South America.  Populations are awakening to their own personal power to change their country for better or worse.  These shifts are a higher octave of the time frame in the mid to late 1960s when Uranus and Pluto were in conjunction and various planets came in and out of alignment with Pluto and Uranus.  This is what has been happening since 2011/2012.

To Retrograde or Not to RetrogradeSaturn’s movement in Libra in 2011 and 2012 helped stabilize a  “T-Square” (meaning 2 planets opposite each other with another forming and anchor in a 90 degree square to both of them).  Now Saturn is in Scorpio and not part of that alignment anymore but still informing the societal and cultural structure of its limits and boundaries.  Saturn in Scorpio also helps in revealing the deep, inner workings of governmental and corporate structure and what needs to change.  With Saturn going retrograde until July 19th, it will be a time to watch for even more revelations and an opportunity to effect real change that is more in alignment with the Circle of Grandmothers.

Mars stationed retrograde on  February 28th and Jupiter went direct on March 5th. These planets will be involved in the building of an uncommon planetary Cardinal Grand Cross that culminates in the period of April 20-25.  On an astrology chart, it appears exactly as how it is named, a “cross”.  It represents the four directions and where the planets will be is near the seasonal markers of both solstices and both equinoxes.  This Grand Cross provides a tremendous opportunity to choose a more conscious and harmonious path as much as it places a tremendous stress on our lives.  Globally, this is a time to really look at very closely and pay attention to the transmissions that come through (also for several weeks after April as the cross breaks apart releasing pent-up energy).

Mars and Vesta in Libra (both going retrograde within hours of each other) through mid-to late July give all of us a chance to know relationship in a way that honors our inner selves but also where we can trust our instincts in relationship.  We can review and take action where are hearts are concerned.  Libra is the sign of “conscious, equal partnership” in Shamanic Astrology.  A question here is to ask ourselves how we can live in harmony with the outer other(s) or external partner(s).  When Saturn was in Libra, what worked for relationships in the past is basically no longer working in that way.  We have and will continue to redefine relationship within and without.  Libra’s intent is to know Self through the “Other”.   What are we seeing in the Other(s) that will help us grow?  What actions can we take to change not for the happiness of the other but for the happiness of ourselves in relationship?

The other planet involved in the change of direction is Mercury, which went stationed direct on February 27th.  Mercury’s direct motion is less “noticed” except the day it does go direct.  Since as a society (western mindset/culture), we are linear, left-brained in our lives, we want things to work and trust that technology will deliver our messages unimpeded.  Mercury direct is has become our “addiction” in this modern age of enormous dependency on electronic devices.  Mercury retrograde then becomes an antitheses to the cultural “norm”.  So, the solution is to work in the retrograde with the direct as a synthesis of the phases of Mercury.

As we navigate these planetary direction changes, we can look up at the night sky to see for ourselves, to sense into it ourselves, what these planets are all about astrologically.  The larger context beyond what is on an astrology chart is the cosmic sky that contains all of the knowledge of the Universe.  We can understand a lot from our computers, smart phones, books and connection with nature and spirit, but the night sky holds other mysteries if we can learn to watch its stories and feel its energy.

– Erik Roth, Shamanic Astrologer