Mercury Retrograde

Invoke Creativity!

Because most of us live in a consensus reality where left-brain thinking is the socially programmed and accepted way of things, those who are aware of Mercury Retrograde look at it as something to blame when things go wrong or a bad period of time to make commitments, make major business transactions, or otherwise start major projects.  We are told to wait until it’s over.  But is that all we should do?  There is another view to Mercury Retrograde and one that we should not fear.  In fact, the retrograde period of Mercury is invocation of creativity!

Rationality, logic, reason, organization, efficiency, sequential time/events and order dominate the left-brain way of living life.  Human beings have a habit of putting order into a field of chaos, trying to fit everything we can in segments, parts, classifications, cause & effect, work & reward, goal-setting, etc. Technology developed (not necessarily invented or created) mainly along the lines from our left-brain, introducing more order, more need to be in contact with everyone and the need to know that everything is all right with one another.  But this type of thinking does not suit us very well when Mercury has an apparent ‘movement’ backwards from our Earthly perspective.  Most of us try and live our lives the same way during this retrograde period, this polarity reversal of sorts and just cope and/or tolerate this relationship between Mercury and Earth going the opposite direction.   So what can we do instead of ‘coping’?

Dancing with Fire

My first response to that question is to invoke the creative part of ‘you,’ especially if you know you have any fire or water energy dancing around, eager to see the light of day.  Creativity was the spark for the birthplace of the Universe . . . a right-brain activity.  Fire and Water elements bring us the heroic tales, the desire to rise above clouds, to face our greatest fears, to channel our life force, to reach our most ecstatic states in the body, to dance on the edge of a cliff, to touch the divine spirit and create what we want.   Mercury Retrograde is time of opportunity to enjoy the fruits of “free will” and taste the life force permeating through the energy centers of our body, our chakras.

Mercury Retrograde allows us to use our right-brain more fully, opening ourselves up to the Source of All Things.  We should be giving ourselves permission to take a ‘time-out-of-time’ during this span of a couple of fortnights.  ‘Retro Merc’ is nothing to fear once we know its purpose.   If we have an awareness that plans are not going to work exactly as we plan them during Retro Merc and we know there is a message behind a disconnection on the phone, then we can let go of our frustrations and turn the energy into creative purpose.  It’s a wonderful time for meditation, deep thinking, and inner healing work.  Reflect on where you are and what you’re doing and be present.  If you have a desire to create, now is the time to play with ideas and be unattached to outcome.

For those people who have an abundance of fire and water archetypes (Signs) on their astrological chart, it’s a time where they can express themselves in their ‘normal’ sphere . . . living in the moment.  For those who have air and earth archetypes populating their chart, it would be beneficial to let go of routine once in a while and have some fun and do something that doesn’t require too much analysis of information or a heavy reliance on communications.

Energetically, Mercury is closely related to the archetype of Gemini.  One of the primary aspects of Gemini is its contrarian medicine.  Contrarian medicine has a genuine place in our lives and means: opposite in nature.  Yes, we can place blame on the retrograde when technology breaks down, but it’s this ‘opposite’ that is a teaching to get us to pay attention and laugh.  There’s a time and place for jester or fool to appear, to cut down the tension and ease our burdens, even for a short time.  The situation calls for humor around the need to do everything perfect, to have everything running perfectly all the time.  Life does not work that way and Gemini and/or Mercury Retrograde will be quick to point that out.

Our western culture has given Retro Merc a bad rap, increasingly so because of our current reliance on electronics to reach other people, handle our finances, stay informed and sell us things we don’t need.  Retro Merc is not malevolent, nor is it benevolent.  It simply Is.  So, have fun and see beyond the limits of vision and the unfolding of the magical nature of Mercury Retrograde.   Give yourself a chance to flex the intuitive muscles, to turn off the phone and invoke your creative spirit.

by Erik M Roth

Shamanic Astrologer