Super Full Moon in Capricorn July 13, 2022

Full Moon in Capricorn July 13, 2022 At 21°21’ in Capricorn at 11:37am PDT on July 13, the Full Moon takes place.  But this is not an ordinary Full Moon.  It is taking place when the Moon is near its closest point to the Earth, what people call a “Super Full...

Pluto Return for the USA

Pluto was in the sign of Capricorn in 1776 and the period of 1762 to 1778. North America experienced a massive shift following the end of the French-British war involving Indigenous People of the lands in various parts of the continent.   That war ended in 1763,...

Mars, Venus Conjunction and the Larger Storylines

The Ongoing Celestial Dance of Mars and Venus The planets Mars and Venus figure prominently in the early evening sky for the whole month of July. These two planets have a natural pattern that can be seen regularly over long periods of time. This year, we humans get to...

Surrender of the Masculine

Between now and June 7th, the planet Mars will continue to diminish in brightness and then become invisible to the naked eye, at which time Mars, which symbolizes the masculine principle in Shamanic Astrology, surrenders to the underworld.  Why is red planet...