Moon Conjunctions in Pisces December 1, 2022

The Moon’s ingress into Pisces places it into conjunctions with Neptune and Jupiter on the same day.  The first conjunction is with Neptune at 22°38’ Pisces, then with Jupiter at 28°54’ Pisces.  The conjunctions happen about 11 hours apart.  Anytime the...

Super Full Moon in Capricorn July 13, 2022

Full Moon in Capricorn July 13, 2022 At 21°21’ in Capricorn at 11:37am PDT on July 13, the Full Moon takes place.  But this is not an ordinary Full Moon.  It is taking place when the Moon is near its closest point to the Earth, what people call a “Super Full...

Full Moon at the Galactic Center

The Full Moon this month takes place on June 14th at 23°25’ Sagittarius, very close to the Galactic Center, which rests between the Scorpion and Archer constellations. The Earth is roughly between the Sun and Moon, each of which appear at opposite sides of the sky....

Full Moon in Cancer January 17

by Erik Roth, Shamanic Astrologer The first Full Moon of 2022 comes to us in the sign of Cancer, the archetype of the Mother.  It takes place at 3:48 pm PST / 6:48 pm EST on January 17th.  In the sky, we can see it between the constellations of the Twins and the Crab...

Surrender of the Masculine

Between now and June 7th, the planet Mars will continue to diminish in brightness and then become invisible to the naked eye, at which time Mars, which symbolizes the masculine principle in Shamanic Astrology, surrenders to the underworld.  Why is red planet...