Jupiter has now completely vanished from sight in the glow of the Sun.  In Shamanic Astrology, we view this as a trip to the underworld.  While this is not always the case, this time Jupiter’s trip will involve a transformation and rebirth as a new archetypal year-king from Gemini to Cancer.

For about month, Jupiter will be gone from our naked eyes, passing behind the Sun (from Earth’s vantage point) and the trickster energy ebbs and wanes.  The fun of Gemini will be re-born as the nurturing of Cancer.  This rebirth is part of a greater theme in the element of water involving Jupiter, Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces.  Essentially, this is a Water Trine.  This is another symbol that links this time period to that of the mid to late 1960s.  The 2010s are a higher octave of that era.  Feminine energy is also going

Photo of Jupiter taken by Voyager in 1979

Photo of Jupiter taken by Voyager in 1979

through a transformation, continuing is rise back from thousands of years (of the patriarchy and monotheistic religions) of being treated horribly and violated as a gender at worst of times and generally unequal at the best of times.

This feminine energy is also present in men and they are going through their own transformation during this time period.  This is all leading to a time when neither the patriarchy nor matriarchy will be in charge, but a version of conscious, equal partnership will be in place.  At least, that is the intent.  When that actually takes place is not known.  However, Jupiter’s emergence in Cancer on June 25th, then appearing in the morning sky around July 3rd or 4th presents a golden opportunity for the global communities to see that we are truly one family on this mothership called Earth.

– Erik, Shamanic Astrologer