There has been a lot of discussion recently about Jupiter’s transition from Gemini into the sign of Cancer.  Jupiter is just now beginning to shine on the Eastern Horizon just before the breath of dawn.  The slumber in the underworld congealed and re-framed Jupiter’s outflow from mental activity to emotion-based activity, focused on what family means in this new chapter of civilization.

It is worth continuing the discussion as it will enter into an alignment called a close “T-Square” with Uranus and Pluto in early August and again in early 2014.  However, the larger context of this alignment is due to 3 of the 4 Cardinal signs (Householder signs in Shamanic

August 7th, 2013 Planetary Alignment

August 7th, 2013 Planetary Alignment

Astrology) are being activated.  This is really the beginning of the middle period of the great changes occurring all over the planet.  Jupiter’s position is amplifying the revolutionary, radical and culture/structural underworld energy that is already present.  Change is the name of the game during these years and adapting is more than just recommended, it is necessary!

On a personal level, anyone who has planets (Moon and Sun included) in the signs of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra are on the front lines of these transits (dependent upon the degrees your planets reside).  These are powerful transformative agents where resistance is truly futile.  Most may feel they are the mercy of these changes, but it is when we can trust that these changes are ultimately to our benefit, we are much better off.   Rolling with punches and expect that unexpected events will, in fact, occur and that these are beyond our control (primarily associated with Uranus, but Pluto to some extent as well).  With Jupiter, it is about expanding your horizons and providing new opportunities to take action to expand what you want to bring into your life while dropping off what you don’t want expanded.

Strap yourselves in for an elevation of the transformation that began a few years ago . . . beginning, well,  immediately 😉

Erik Roth, Shamanic Astrologer