The Moon will be officially in its “First Quarter” phase tomorrow morning here on the Pacific coast, but prior to that it has a meeting with one of the Royal Stars of Persia, Antares. Looking toward the south, the near-First Quarter Moon will be easily visible prior to nightfall. After twilight, Look just below the Moon for reddish-colored Antares. It is one of the first stars to blink into the night. Antares represents the “Heart of the Scorpion.”

This constellation is not to be confused with the sign of Scorpio as Antares is has a Celestial placement in the sign ofMoon-Antares 9-11-13 Sagittarius as is the Moon today and tomorrow. However, Antares does have a very significant metaphysical and mythological connection with the sign/archetype of Scorpio, primarily involving its death/rebirth/transformation qualities. For this First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius, it symbolizes boldly going forth into healthy change and embracing transformation as path to life’s meaning. Like the archetype of Scorpio, it is also about pushing to the edge and working with life-force energy.

Also in the night sky and toward the west are the planets Venus and Saturn, both now in the sign of Scorpio. They are only eight degrees apart and Venus is moving about one degree per day, edging closer to the ringed-rule maker, Saturn. On September 18th, there will be a 3-way conjunction between Venus, Saturn and the North Node of the Moon.  Overall, this places more intensity and focus on the transformation/evolution  of the Feminine Principle and in general,  on the Water Trine now is motion this year.

Erik Roth – Shamanic Astrologer