Venus moves into a conjunction with Neptune at 24°04’ Pisces on the 15th of February 2023.  This annual event brings together the symbol of the feminine principle and a celestial realm planet that opens the oceans of the heavens.

Pisces is an archetype / sign that represents the “Healer/Empath”.  At its core, Pisces desires union with the divine and to be of service in the world.  The coming together of Venus and Neptune emphasizes a deeper level of the heart and spirit together beyond our tangible third-dimensional reality.

Empathy and the act “to be of service” have helped carry humanity throughout the ages.  Without those qualities, our planet would be unrecognizable.  Being of service and empathy are not weaknesses but strengths that have guided us into cooperation.  And our desire for union with the universe relates to the desire to feel safe in ourselves and trust in our relationship with our journey.

Late Day sky on February 15, 2023 – Before Sunset

It is within the heart (not to be confused with just the physical heart) and core of us that we can truly feel.  This is not just feelings in reactions, but a “tuning in” to others around us, including other people and other life.  Empathy can place us in connection with the world in the middle-world but beyond it into the mystical/celestial level world.

Empathy can strongly motivate us to be of help and cooperate especially when the need arises.  Pisces as the Empath archetype doesn’t mean other sign/archetypes don’t have empathy.  It just means that it is a primary quality of this sign.  The archetype of astrological Cancer can equal Pisces in this quality, but it is more focused on the family and household whereas Pisces is much more universal and mystical, with little in the way of boundaries.

This Venus-Neptune conjunction emphasizes Pisces.  Empathy is a big quality here for Pisces, but other qualities of Pisces come in, especially with Neptune.  Neptune is similar to Pisces in its overall astrological quality.  This means a stronger flavor of the mystical plane and dream realm along with potential for the illusion of projected reality.   It would be a great time to connect with realms outside the middle world while opening your heart to it (instead of the mind/ego).

While the 15th is the actual conjunction of Venus and Neptune, the 14th and 16th of February are also days we can be feeling it active.  However, with the coming of the Sun-Saturn conjunction on the 16th, it is likely to feel more constrained than on the 14th or 15th.