Mars-Venus Conjunctions in 2022

Feb 16, 2022 March 5/6, 2022 On February 16, the day of February’s Full Moon in Leo, Mars “catches up” with Venus in a conjunction at 16˚ 53’ in the sign of Capricorn and they move into conjunction again March 5/6 at 00˚ 01’’ in Aquarius.  But this is only part of a...

Jupiter and the Tail of the Sea Goat

Jupiter, among what is now all of the outer planets, is currently in retrograde and about to move back into the Goat Fish Constellation (or Sea Goat), before looping back in direct motion on the Sea Goat’s tail.  Shamanic Astrology interprets Jupiter as an expansive...

Venus Mars Conjunction in Virgo

The Great Saga Continues . . . A vulnerable and faint red planet emerged from the Sun’s glare on the morning of September 11th, ushering in a new phase in the ongoing dance of Mars and Venus.  The brightest planet in the night sky, Venus, welcomed the red planet, the...

Surrender of the Masculine

Between now and June 7th, the planet Mars will continue to diminish in brightness and then become invisible to the naked eye, at which time Mars, which symbolizes the masculine principle in Shamanic Astrology, surrenders to the underworld.  Why is red planet...