Moon Conjunctions in Pisces December 1, 2022

The Moon’s ingress into Pisces places it into conjunctions with Neptune and Jupiter on the same day.  The first conjunction is with Neptune at 22°38’ Pisces, then with Jupiter at 28°54’ Pisces.  The conjunctions happen about 11 hours apart.  Anytime the...

Full Moon in Aries October 9th

October’s Full Moon takes place in the sign of Aries at 16°32’ and will be in conjunction with Chiron.  In this current age, the sign of Aries is overlayed by the constellation of the Fish and where the March equinox (Zero Aries) is located. From an experiential...

Virgo Full Moon, Jupiter Rises

This year’s Virgo Full Moon is very close to the September Equinox point. This is due to the Sun, of course, being near the time when it crosses the projected equator from the south to the north (meaning longer days in the Northern Hemisphere and shorter days in the...

Jupiter and the Tail of the Sea Goat

Jupiter, among what is now all of the outer planets, is currently in retrograde and about to move back into the Goat Fish Constellation (or Sea Goat), before looping back in direct motion on the Sea Goat’s tail.  Shamanic Astrology interprets Jupiter as an expansive...

Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction and the Sea Change

In the Time of the December Solstice Not since the year 1603 has a Saturn-Jupiter conjunction arrived near or on the December Solstice, a time of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern Hemisphere.  2020, a year in which will live alongside 9/11,...