On August 22nd at 4:05pm Pacific time (& Arizona time), the Sun moves into the sign of Virgo (not to be confused with the constellation of the same name), heralding in the last month of summer which closes at the autumnal equinox.

The signs of astrology are seasonal and resonate the energy of the 30+ day span in which they symbolize.  This span of time is typically the time when harvesting the fruits and grains of summer come into focus and a celebration of the Earth’s gifts through ceremony. Earth NASA photo smallVirgo is the sign/archetype of the Priestess, the caretaker of the sacred flame and of the Earth.  Virgo is mythologically represented by the Roman goddess Vesta, which in turn was derived from the Greek goddess Hestia.  Temples to this goddess was dedicated in nearly every community to keeping the fire alive and tending to it as a service that was more than to the community but to the goddess.

In Roman society, which was primarily patriarchal in nature, Vesta was honored at home around the hearth, or focus of the home.  Typically, the fire was the centerpiece by which family and friends came together.  Vesta was also affiliated with the fertilizing power of the Moon in her more original form, well before the Roman Empire.  The tended fires of Vesta also represented the kundalini energy within the body and sexual transmutation.  Esther Harding writes about these qualities in her book, The Way of All Women.  Credit also to to Demetra George in her book, Asteroid Goddesses.  They also describe how priestesses were virgins, but not in the modern sense of the word, in that they were whole unto themselves and unmarried (not belonged or defined by men).  The women who served the goddess also did so through sexuality in bringing the power of the goddess “into effective contact with human beings.”  This means there is an ancient connection of Virgo to not only the Moon by to sacred sexuality in service to a higher purpose (without ego).

Since the patriarchy has taken over, the feminine principle has been diminished, invalidated and violated, especially the archetypes of Virgo and Scorpio.  Virgo’s shadow elements have most certainly been highlighted in the modern age as critical, judgmental, overly-detailed and insensitivity.  These shadows typically arise when a person is not able to express their gifts in a healthy way or even honored by an intimate partner, friends or family members.  They may have not found an a work or task they would consider sacred that connects them to the Earth’s rhythmic patterns or their skills/gifts may have been abused in some way.

In Shamanic Astrology, Virgo is to be honored for her ability to create sacred space, bringing order from chaos, her knowledge of women’s mysteries and her gift at understanding the sacred patterning of the Earth, Sky and of life.  For both Men and Women (Priest and Priestess), these abilities and gifts and vital to our modern-day communities, homes and businesses.  Virgo energy is devotion and sacredness to our seasonal rhythms.  It is the tune of our nature to the harmony of the Universe contained within each of us.

Erik Roth – Shamanic Astrologer