Begins a 19-month cycle

by Erik Roth, Shamanic Astrologer

The shining diamond of Venus is metamorphosizing as a “morning star” in the sign of Capricorn. Venus has been visible in the evening skies since May, but the planet’s orbit has carried it between the Earth and Sun, therby passing from evening to morning skies from our viewing perspective. In Shamanic Astrology, this means, on the 15th of January, it begins an entirely new (synodic) cycle, setting a archetypal tone for an entire 19-month duration in the sign of Capricorn. This concept is called an “overtone”.

The overtone sets the theme of the Venus cycle through the archetype/sign of Capricorn. Venus in Capricorn is about grandmother wisdom and knowledge passing down over countless generations. It is a teacher, an elder, director, manager and minister and an archetype who understands the importance of knowledge and the need for it to be shared to future generations so that it is long-lasting.

Venus will be at 15 degrees of Capricorn on the 14th at the time it moves beyond 10 degrees from the Sun (this is a rule of thumb for seeing Venus with the naked eye). But the 15th represents the first visible sighting of Venus in the morning sky, even though Venus and the Sun are 10 degrees apart on the 14th. It is our experiential relationship with Venus that is the most important here and why the 15th matters.

Anytime Venus transitions from the evening sky visibility to the morning sky visbility, it is always in apparent retrograde motion due to our geocentric perspective (being on Earth). So for us, it looks like Venus was in rewind, backtracking against the starry background it was crossing in November and December of 2021.

Since its ingress into the sign of Capricorn in November, the groundwork or initiation has be set down for us. This is about the deep Earth, of form and function, management and structure and a foundation for future generations. With the structures and systems experiencing a death-rebirthing initiation all around us, it is time for the Circle of Grandmothers to step in with their ancient wisdom and knowledge for an emerging way of living on the planet and governing our lives.

In the sky, Venus is seen in the Archer constellation (astronomers still call this constellation Sagittarius). This constellation represents the point of direction and inspiration toward our journey. The constellation will become more and more visible in late January and early February as Venus lifts up beyond the glare of the Sun, brightening as it goes.

The most prominent star int he Archer constellation that is closest to Venus as the planet rises is called Nunki, one of the oldest named-stars and a name from ancient Mespotamia. Nunki connects us to the foundational tension or force holding and helping direct the Archer’s arrow to our journey.

We can experience this cycle beginning over these days in mid-January connecting us through time to the end of the Venus cycle on August 20, 2023. What is our journey intending to be about? What wisdom will integrate from the Circle of Grandmothers? What role does the feminine principle play for us individually and in our communities and human collective? It is up to us to set the intent co-creatively with Venus.